Dan Parson's Star Wars

I hope you all caught the article on Dan Parson's doing a Star Wars signing at Pegasus Books this coming Saturday, Oct. 25, 12:00 to 4:00.

He'll be doing sketches for people (I'm going to ask for Yoda -- I wonder who is most requested?)

I'll have plenty of #1 issues of Clone Wars for sale, the current mini-series, and stacks of Star Wars Legacy books, which I highly recommend for reading.

Mostly, I'm doing this for Dan, who is a local artist on a high profile and excellently done book. He deserves some recognition.

I'm hoping I can get at least 20 of you blog readers to show up for the signing. The sketches are free, by the way.

(P.S. I want to reproduce the entire Bulletin article on the Pegasus Blog, but I don't have access. Anyone want to reproduce it in the comments section here, so I can transfer it? Otherwise, I'll just type it out, I guess.)