Throwing money at a problem...

is almost never a good idea.

Anyone who has had a 10 year old who swore he'd do his chores after you pay him.

Anyone who remembers the boom and the burn-through cash rate of most start-ups.

Anyone who remembers STAR WARS I, or II, or III.

Once upon a time, there were two young guys named Eastman and Laird. They had a funny idea for a comic, which they produced themselves, let's call it TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES.

It was a surprise success in the comic market, creating the "black and white" boom of the 80's.

There it might have ended, but a marketing guy in Cleveland or somewhere saw it, and turned it into a vast money-making worldwide phenomenon.

Eastman took his money and bought the magazine HEAVY METAL, and married the pin-up model, Julie Strain. Nerd nirvana.

Laird, however, wanted to give back. He had the idea of creating a comic company, Tundra, where creators would be allowed to create what they wanted to create, and would be paid well to do it.

Several years later and vast sums of money dissipated, there was very little to show for it. Lots of horror stories of delayed or unfinished projects, money spent to no purpose, and a certain amount of embarrassment on the part of everyone involved.

All in all, I think Eastman spent his money very wisely.