Room enough.

I got my first reorder of new books in yesterday.

5 big boxes, lined up against the counter.

Wednesday is my comic shipment day. It's a mad scramble to get all the comics out of boxes, sorted onto the reserve shelves, and put out for sale. Along with all the cards, games, books, and toys that arrive alongside.

Very stressful, so I decided since I would be working all day Thursday (today) that I'd just wait to put out the books.

Pat and I got done with the comic shipment around 4:00, and I kept eyeballing the books, and decided to open one box to see how long it would take to get them out for sale.

All this week, ever since I made my orders, I was trying to estimate how much room they would take and where I could put them. I figured that they'd take xxx amount of space, and planned to move stuff around.

This first order of 168 books (out of 650 ordered) was going to be the test.

An hour later I was done. All five boxes. The books had fit right into existing space without the slightest sweat. Easy as pie.

Which has emboldened me to get even more inventory than I planned. I'd thought I'd stop at about 650 books, but now I'm ready for another 350 books or more. A thousand new books within a month.

It's a gamble of my Christmas profits, basically.

But based on my sales this summer in books, and by the continued foot traffic, it's not that much of a gamble, I don't believe. Plus, with the margins offered, and the profit margins in used books (new books have had the unexpected result in doubling my used books sales) this could be the most profitable part of my store by Christmas.

Plus, like I said, it's kind of fun.