special events

Bite Me of Bend.

I think I've mentioned, I don't like crowds.

There I was yesterday, Custer at Little Big Horn, surrounded by circling hordes.

I had 210 people come in yesterday. Which is a lot of people, let me tell you. I figure, about one person every 2 minutes, and if they stay 10 minutes each, about 5 people in the store at all times.

But of course, it was more like 20 people at times, and 3 people at others.

Sales wise, the per average customer was pretty low, about the same as it's been over the last couple of weeks. If I'm hoping anything will change in July and August, it's that per customer sales average.

Anyway, since I realized I was in for it, I just tried to relax. I think I managed pretty well. Didn't lose my temper once, chatted with most everyone. About halfway through the day, I cranked up my new Elvis Costello album (has a nice country rock twang to it) and tried to tune everyone out for a half hour.

Hell, I even had a chicken wrap from the booth in front of my store. I won't give them a free ad, because I'm somewhat irked at how they drew a curtain across my store, making it impossible to see my storefront from more than five feet away....

But I must say, I was pretty amazed by the size of the crowds.

I just barely made my nut, because of the sheer number of people but the low per customer rate.

So...no harm no foul. Just quite a bit more tired than usual.