
Bloggin' for fun or profit.

I was asked the other day if I thought this blog had helped my business.

I muttered something about having as many doors open to business as possible, and left it at that.

So I've been mulling it over for a couple of days.

My vague answer still stands. Like having the much increased foot traffic in my corner of downtown, like having the 2 new product lines that represent 25% of current sales, this blog has been part of the puzzle of keeping the store viable in down times.

I mean, if I'm down 20% in sales, what would it have been like without the above three factors?

Of course, I never set out to make it a business blog. Probably wouldn't have worked, because it would have been too blatant a grab for attention.

But now? I think I've learned enough about how to do this, what issues to address, that I could probably at least transform my 'Pegasus Blog' into something readable, that talks about my store, and comics and books, does reviews, and talks about stuff happening.

But my inclination is to talk about other things. The bubble economy-- which no doubt bores plenty of readers. Local government, which bores those who are left. Quails nests (my son's friend's visiting dogs ate them, sadly), the weather, my cat, my little trips with Linda, the occasional politics, anything else that strikes my fancy.

So, a focused business blog would be too much work. Writing reviews is way too much work.

Tossing off observations? That's easy.

I've also made no attempt to gussy up this blog in any way. It could be much more visually interesting. Nor have I made any tit for tat connections to other blogs, you read my blog if I read yours, you list my blog if I list yours...type of arrangements.

By keeping it mostly local, my readership is always going to be pretty small. That's fine with me. Who needs the pressure?

I like that the occasional new customer finds me through this blog, and that older customers remember that I exist because of this blog, that friends and family can occasionally check in to see how I'm doing.

The blog has been a huge success in getting my business noticed by the local media. For which I'm grateful. I think I became a real person to some people who either didn't know about me, or thought I was only about comics....

It's also been great for venting steam, occasionally. It's probably been a great tool for a nerdy individual like me to communicate with others. It's at least felt very social, in a strange way.

So has the blog helped business?

Probably, though it's hard to quantify.

Has it helped me?

Most definitely.