I feel really good about "Fateplay." That doesn't necessarily mean that it is objectively good--I have no idea. It means I really like it.

Sometimes I feel an actual euphoria when I finish a book. But not always.

I wonder if it's an indicator of something. I don't know. I didn't feel the euphoria when I wrote the first draft, but did when I finished the rewrite. I do believe if I can pull of the dual prologue and epilogue that the book will be fully complete.

Also close to 120K words, which is a big book for me. (That's a 20% increase from the first draft.) As I say, I write pretty close to the bone and my books can always benefit from more detail.

I've got to work at Pegasus for several days, so I just going to think about what I might want to include in the "...logues."

Later: I couldn't help myself. I started writing the prologue. I'm really, really liking it.

It'll be interesting to see where my head is at once I send this off. Right now I'm telling myself not to start something new but to go back and give the same rewrite treatment to my books that are in the waiting line.

The three thrillers, the novellas, and the Lander series all are waiting for me to do something with them.