"Re-write Summer."

Finally got another chapter written. As usual, it didn't quite go where I thought it was going to go. But in the middle of writing it, I realized that one of the logistical problems was solved. You never know when you reach the end of a story how impactful it will be. I'm wondering if this ending is strong enough.

But I have a rule about finishing a book before I mess with it, so...

I've decided spend the summer re-writing as much as possible. I have the four Lander books that need to be revised, the four Thirteen Principalities novellas, and now three different thriller books that could use a re-write, especially the beginnings.

I could get a lot accomplished if I just knuckled down.

What's kept me from doing this in the past is that I've always given fresh ideas preeminence. I don't turn down stories when they come to me. So this could still happen, I suppose. Probably will, actually.

But between fresh stories, I can still set the goal of finishing off the old.