Two days ago I had two chapters left to write of Lucifer's Forge.

Now I have...two chapters done and two chapters left to write. It happens. Especially, for some reason, near the end of books. I don't want to rush it.

I do like the way it's turning out. (Now it's the first third of the book I'm a little uncertain about because it didn't get a great reaction when I showed it around earlier in the year. But even then, I liked it.)

I think the book can be good if I can make it so, which may sound tautological. I mean that the basic premise is good, and I think I've written a good plot, but...I don't know if I can make it plausible, which the books depends on.

I'll try to research, try to get things accurate.

So how do I improve a book?

I've thought for some time that I have a certain baseline ability, which has improved somewhat over time with experience and practice. But still...baseline.

Re-writing obviously. Working harder to make it better. But that has always been a roadblock for me because I've had too many experiences in the past of ruining books by "working hard" on my rewriting. I think I need to change the terminology--not call it "work" at all.

I think a book can be improved by time, perspective, and care.

Time. To let it settle, to let it sink in, to let the subconscious work on it, before, during and after the first draft.

Perspective. Letting it set for awhile. Coming back to it, not "working" but giving it a light touch, looking for places to improve wording and plot, to deepen characters, to add detail, to describe.

Care. Making sure that all the parts work, that everything is consistent, is enjoyable and easy.  Making sure it is ready to be published.

I'm purposely slowing down my process to do this. I can get about 70 to 80% of the way there in my first draft and a quick rewrite.

I want to try to get 90% of the way there, even if it takes twice as long to do it.