Back on Track.

I forced myself to take a good hard look at the bottleneck I've been in over the last 10 days or so, and which had completely stopped me from going forward, and to realize that I wasn't going to be able to finesse it.  I had to roll up my sleeves and cobble together a solution.

So two chapters were changed.  The original flow and focus were softened.  Ordinarily, I'd think this was bad thing, but the points the chapters were making were premature and made the rest of the book difficult.

So I smoothed them out.

The problem was, the chapters were originally written as if there were two main POV characters, and I decided to add the complication of a third POV character.  So the emphasis needed to change.

I was forced to cobble together one of the chapters.  I read it to Linda last night and she thought it was fine.  I much prefer when a chapter comes to me in whole than when I take different bits and pieces and try to make them work together.  It never seems as good to me, but I don't think that necessarily means it isn't as good for a reader.  The reader doesn't know what the original flow was, and so if by objective standards, I've written something that flows, then flows it does.  I hope.

Most importantly, it clears the way for me to finish the book.