I'm becoming very fond of pigs.

I was a book-selling machine yesterday at Pegasus Books.

Sold 17 copies of my own books.  Enthusiasm is contagious.

Sold all my books to two people, the entire Vampire Evolution Trilogy and Led to the Slaughter and Tuskers.  Sold 7 copies of Tuskers overall, and 4 copies of Led to the Slaughter.

So...If I just worked everyday, who knows what would happen?

But then...I'd never write.

Same old problem.  I could run multiple stores and make more money if there was just more copies of me.  Right now, I've got great employees, and I'm using that as my opportunity to write.

Meanwhile, reviews of Tuskers are popping up on blog reviews sites.  They've all been positive, though the rankings aren't quite as high as I'm used to.  Actually, I understand this.  Giving out 5 stars on every review is probably self-defeating for any self-respecting critic blog.

But still, good reviews.

Paul, who's been a big supporter of my books from the beginning, came in and told me it was my "best book yet."  Which made me feel strangely defensive.  Like, what about my other books?  It's like someone telling you one of your children is best...

Still, I have to say, Tuskers is probably the most inherently complete package I've written.  I wanted a fast, fun read, with some good characters, and I wanted it to be different but believable, and I think I pulled it off.

I think the decision not to try the shorter version has been confirmed.  I felt that I was leaving out some of the best scenes and characters when I did that.  And sure enough, so far everyone's favorite character is the bad-ass ex-sheriff, Barbara.

As T-Day approaches, it's dawning on me that it occurs on the National Football Championship day, where Oregon is one of the two teams.  That might be distracting for my local supporters.  I hope not.  But I guess it's just a day for the old pigskin.

Turns out I have a natural marketing tool for Tuskers.  There are cool pictures and video's of pigs everywhere, which are entertaining in their own right.

I'm becoming very fond of pigs.