Tuskers II is a thing.

I was just experimenting, but I'm already up to 12K words.  Huh.

I've brought back a character who wisely removed himself from the danger in the first book who I really like.  I have the original protagonists, and I've created some new characters.

I'm upping the threat.  Instead of one litter of mutant pigs, its going to be a bunch of them.  (Pigs are fertile at six months, they could average 10 pigs per litter...over a couple of years, you do the math.)

I'm letting myself write it fast, though I'm also letting myself get out of the house to go to the movies and work at Linda's store.  But even if I write it one third as fast as Tuskers, it is still a torrid pace.

I'm hoping to get halfway before I break off to do the final rewrite of The Dead Spend No Gold, and then immediately get back to it.

Best of all, I'm really enjoying it. 

That's it, you know.  I'm really enjoying it. 

That's all I need to say.