Bias confirmation.

This is probably the very definition of bias confirmation, but I always check on Shelf Awareness to see which bookstores are closing and why.

And it seems to me that, almost every time (I'd say every time, but never speak in absolutes...never) the bookstore will say something along the lines of:

"We did everything right.  We served coffee and had signings and promoted events and everyone just loved us..."

It's never:  "We're lazy bastards who just sold books, never promoted, and brought coffee to work in a thermos."

Now it is possible that the lazy bastards who close are so under the radar that they don't deserve an announcement in Shelf Awareness.

But I chose to believe that bookstores who take care of business survive, and bookstore who somehow believe their job is to be a community center providing free services and labor and space intensive activities have made the job so difficult for themselves that they quit from burnout or lack of money or both.

Like I said, admittedly confirming my bias.

The latest failure was on there today.  "Coffee Beans and Books."

I probably should just leave that one alone -- let the title itself speak for itself.

But really, when "coffee" comes before "books" in your store name, there is something fucked up about that.