The frenzy continues.

I'm rounding up on a first draft of Tuskers already. 

The last week has been nothing but a blur of writing.  16 hour days, maybe more.  (I woke up at 3:00 in the morning and wrote another couple hours when I realized that though the story was set in Arizona, I didn't have a Hispanic character.)

It may seem crazy to write a book so fast...

But here's the thing.   

I think it's the best thing I've done. 

The characters just popped into existence, the scenes came fully formed, and the words just kept flowing.

I think it was only a year or two ago that I was telling H. Bruce that I didn't think a book could be really written in just one month.

Well, I've blown that notion out of the water.

I am not going to mess with this story.  No extensive rewriting.  Just the copy-editing and normal editing that every story needs.

I've now got seven or eight viewpoint characters, and I've enjoyed interweaving their stories.   I think I may have learned a new technique.  Come up with the central POV character, propel his story forward, and then mix in secondary characters to add complexity and depth.

This has a kind of 70's disaster movie vibe, fueled by straight-ahead action plot.  Despite the outrageousness of the premise (killer pigs) I feel like like the unfolding of events is believable. 

I think if I was reading this book, I'd really like it.