Reading a hard copy out loud.

Printed up a copy of The Dead Spend No Gold, which I never do anymore, but if I was going to ask my poor, long suffering wife to listen to my book from beginning to end, I wanted to make it easy for her to follow along and make corrections.

We are going to give it one hour tonight, just to see how far along we can get, to see if it is feasible.  Then maybe another hour tomorrow night, after I get home from work.

And then spend Friday and Saturday finishing it.

I've tried reading it out loud to myself, but...I get bored.  Easier to read it silently, even if I don't catch as many mistakes that way.

But reading it to another person, it's amazing how much more pops out.  Mistakes, corrections.

I find, for instance, that if the way I read it out loud is different from the way it is on the page, it is almost always better the out loud version.  Like my brain is micro-editing it even as I read.

OK.  Managed to read 27 pages aloud in an hour and fifteen minutes.  Not as far as I hoped.  I doubt we'll be able to read the whole thing.

Found more problems than I expected too.

Oh, well.  When in doubt, I reserve my time for the beginning and the end.

This is an extra step.  The real editing is supposed to be done by Lara.   But this definitely proves it needs another edit.