Mature about it...arrrgghh.

I always say I don't like rewriting, but I'm accomplishing a lot.

I feel like I'm improving The Dead Spend No Gold.

I blended in all the 'Telling Details' I had saved up, and added a couple of scenes that gave more backstory to some of the characters.

So the book is more complete now.

I think I only have two things I still want to do.  One is to go for an alpine walk up in the Cascades and take notes and then use that material in the book.  For a final bit of verisimilitude.

The other is to take the Virginia/Frank love scene and put it later in the book.  Have them almost make love in the earlier scene, but have Virginia demure since she doesn't think she can ever be a proper wife and that it is unfair to Frank.

Instead, I'll put in the love scene as they are on their way to the final confrontation with Bigfoot(s).

I should be done by tomorrow night.  Then work at the store on Thursday, then give it a final read/edit on Friday and Saturday.  (I'm hoping Linda will be willing to listen to me.  I always find so much more when I'm reading it to someone else.)

Then send it to Lara on Sunday.

After that, I intend to accept her copy-editing and send off the manuscript to the publisher in a couple of weeks if he wants it.

I gave this book the extra work that it deserved.  Not because I wanted to.  I was happy with it before.  But I'm trying really hard to put in the extra effort.

To be mature and professional about it.
