Just finish the damn book.

Still struggling.

Wrote about 500 words yesterday, which for me is next to nothing.   Part of the problem is that 'religion' has entered the story.  Now when you write horror books, a little religion is probably hard avoid, but I try to keep it very vague, just a sort of good versus evil thing.

But this has gotten a little too specific, opening up very complicated philosophical and theological themes.  Which, if I knew more and was smarter might be a good thing.  But since I'm just trying to write an entertaining story, it is a little daunting.

Anyway, I'm going to force my way to the end.  I gave it a couple of weeks to come easy, but if it doesn't come easy then it has to come hard.

It will be at least 6 months, and more likely a year, before I really get a chance to rewrite the book, so I'm going to stake a lot on that -- that I'll be coming back to it fresh and hopefully can do something with it.

Otherwise, the limbo I've been in for the last couple of weeks will continue.

The other alternative is to just not write the ending.  Save it.  But that seems dangerous to me, especially since part of the problem I'm having is that I broke off in the middle.

This is just a reminder that once my head is fully in a book, it needs to stay there.