The Adventures of Burp the Burrow Wight: A Fable for Grownup Kids

Hard to explain.

I started writing something yesterday called, The Adventures of Burp the Burrow Wight: A Fable for Grownup Kids, which is every bit as silly as it sounds.

Linda was delighted with it.  Called it "genius."  Laughed at all the right parts.

But really, what the HELL is it?  Uncategorizable, that's what.

I'll keep writing it as long as the story keeps coming to me, but I don't know what it is.

Meanwhile, I did finally manage to start writing Ghostlander again.  I seem to find it easy to write the original murder, rape and mayhem scenes that create the ghosts of the story:  don't know what that says about me.  Maybe such scenes are inherently dramatic.  Maybe my subconscious is a murdering psycho....

I think I've loosened up on my writing -- I feel more self-confident letting myself go.  I do keep a watchful eye, though, that I don't go too far off track, like I did with the original Almost Human -- now Faerylander.

What I think I've figured out is this -- though I may not know the plot before I start, it is essential that I have assembled the right ingredients.  Characters, scenes, settings, etc. with which I can construct a story.

Led to the Slaughter is really the outlier for me.  It's by far the most realistic of my books (even if it does have werewolves.)  The whole focus was to make it as believable as possible.

I don't usually worry about that.  My imagination runs toward the fantastic, and I think I should let myself go there.