Tending my garden -- not.

I neglected my garden and lawns disgracefully last summer.  I was so deep into writing.  I was on such a roll.  That year -- September 2012 to September 2013 -- will probably never be reproduced.

Ever since I tried the agent and publisher route in September 2013 there has been a measure of distraction.  Even being published has been a distraction, if a nice one.

Anyway, I'm going ahead and hiring a landscaping service to at least mow the lawns and perhaps do a bit of the bulk weeding. 

My mother would be horrified.  Well, I always considered myself a gardener, but my garden hasn't quite turned out the way I envisioned it.  Either I didn't buy the right plants, or take care of them properly -- or the plants sucked -- but I'd say only half of them have survived so that garden looks kind of skimpy.  My lawns seem to be dying for no good reason.

In compensation, I've let the plants that are flourishing take up a larger percentage of the space and have started transplanting them.  So, I may have a garden comprised of Basket of Gold and poppies, but so be it.

But writing is still my main focus right now.  I told myself I would give myself five years to try to establish a career, and I'm about 20 months in on that process.  I have a bunch of books in the works, several of them near completion.

Problem with taking time off from writing -- is that it kind of gives me a reason not to write, which gives me time off from writing, and...well, you can see where that might lead.

Turns out, I have the perfect personality to be a writer.  I don't mind being alone, mostly confident of my own abilities, a self-starter, and able to discipline myself into accomplishing my task.

I'm not saying it makes me a great writer, but I think I have the right temperament for it. 
(Now if I had a self-promotional, extroverted, out-going, lots of friends and connections type personality, I might actually be able to sell my books.  But then...I wouldn't write them, eh?)

Anyway, waiting for the landscaper and feeling very bourgeois -- so middle class and middle age. 

What, I can't mow my own lawns?