A good review in Cascades A&E.

There is a nice review of Led to the Slaughter in Cascades A&E by Jeff Spry, who I think is a good writer. 

Here's the best link http://issuu.com/renee.patrick/docs/may_ae_cover I could come up with:  You have to kind of negotiate the digital mess to find the article, but it's there.

I know that I probably should have confidence in my own writing, but how do I know?

I was sort of waiting for feedback from complete strangers, like on Goodreads and such.  So far, they've been very good, so I feel like I have more leeway to recommend my own book.

I sell least a couple at my store everyday I work.  Which is a real Catch-22.  You know, stay at the store and sell hundreds over the course of a year -- or stay home and write my books.  I figure this time of being able to write freely may not last forever, so I'm choosing to do that.  It was never really about the money, frankly.  But I did hope for readers.