Next Book in the Queue: Faerylander.

I have finished the first draft of The Dead Spend No Gold.  I like it.  I like it enough, in fact, to give it the time and seasoning it needs.  So I'm setting it aside for awhile, so that when I come back to it I'll have a fresh perspective.  It wasn't ready for the final re-write. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, but there is a middle period on a book where I need to let it sit fallow for a time, and then come and improve it with new energy.  So far, I've been able to do that with all the books, to improved results. 

Meanwhile, I felt the last re-write I did of Faerylander made it a readable book.  I think one more polish will make it as good a book as I am capable.

Faerylander was the first book I started writing when I came back to writing three years ago, and has had multiple re-writes.  I have felt that each re-write has improved it.  In some ways, it's my Magnum Opus.  It's longer than the other books, about 120K words, and has had a lot of thought and effort put into it.

It is the first book in what I'm hoping will be a series, and I've already written the second book, Wolflander, and started on the third book, Ghostlander.

So I'm putting together my crew of Beta-testers that helped me on Led to the Slaughter, and I'm doing the final re-write of Faerylander.  I'm hoping to have it done by mid-June or so.