Best time ever to be a writer.

I order selectively through a book liquidator.  It usually takes me a month, if not two, to get to the minimums they require.  So I just check the new books everyday and add the good ones to the list.

However this distributor has a nasty habit of raising the limits from one book to two books, without notice.  So suddenly my list has way more books than I intended.

So I  Zero out the list.

This smacks of bait and switch, and I'm not going to buy more books than I want.


Speaking of lists, I've decided to stop looking at the sales lists on all the different venues my books are on.

They simply make no sense.  They change overnight.  They have algorithms that are inexplicable.

This isn't sour grapes.  Sometimes the weirdness is in my favor, and sometimes it isn't.

But none of it seems...solid.

I'll just wait until the publisher makes his quarterly report...


I'm at 60K words on The Dead Spend No Gold, my sequel to Led to the Slaughter.  I'll be finished in the next two to three writing sessions.

Which is like -- wow.  How did that happen?

Then the real work begins.  I've got to make the timelines and the geography and the characters consistent.  I want to do some historical research to add some authentic details. 

And I want to work on the writing.  Make the story readable.

As for the story itself -- this one came easy, as if it was ready to go.  I've had a pretty good sense from the beginning of where I wanted to take it, and the subconscious obliged.  Each time I hit a roadblock the answer appeared, which is a sign this book wanted to exist.

After I've sent this off to the editor, I'm going to knuckle down and really get Faerylander ready.

I think this next round will be the keeper.  Then I'd like to work on the rewrite of the sequel, Wolflander, which came out well and only needs to be edited mostly.

Then I can finally get to writing my Pilot Butte ghost story, the third book in the Lander series, called Ghostlander. 


It just a matter of doing it.  I'm really enjoying this whole thing, especially the creative part, but also knowing that when I'm finished, I can put them out into the world. 

Best time ever to be a writer.