
The Vampire Evolution Trilogy is supposed to be released tomorrow.

Death of an Immortal.
Rule of Vampire.
Blood of Gold.

I hope it goes smoothly.

The pre-sale (still have a few hours! Only 99 cents!) was on B & N; Smashwords; and Apple.

I'm hoping the books will pop up on Amazon tomorrow.  

I have no idea what to expect.  I've taken a more restrained approach to asking people to buy my book this time.  No contacting people directly.  Just posting the occasional bulletin on the social sites.

I want to buy a bunch of paperback copies for the store, but I haven't heard from the publisher.  The paperbacks of Led to the Slaughter didn't reach me until about 3 weeks after the ebook version was up.

Led to the Slaughter seems to sell at the same pace, day after day.  Not setting the world on fire, but not completely dropping off the lists either.  I won't really know for months.

It's strange -- you can be in the top 1% to 5% of all books sold -- and it still doesn't mean much, since by my calculations, there are over 2000 books a day being published, and millions in print.

I had a minimum sales level in mind when I started, and we exceeded that early on.  Far beyond what I was able to accomplish on my own, so having a publisher proved its worth.

So I'm happy.

It's encouraging enough to keep trying.