I started doing some research about the best-seller lists on Amazon and Smashwords, which led to other articles about the whole digital change and how it is affecting publishers and authors and so on...
Oh, boy.
I'm not sure I wanted to know all that. I'm not sure that when it comes to being a writer, ignorance isn't bliss. I mean, you want to be realistic and all, but I had a pretty good sense of the odds -- I'm just not sure I needed the odds to be explicated.
I don't know if I can get across how different actual writing is -- from everything that comes after. And yet, without everything that comes after, dare I say "promotion", whatever you wrote won't see the light of day.
I decided to work at getting this first book, at least, in a many hands as I beg borrow plead command insinuate and dazzle.
But it isn't writing.
Writing is something I do alone in my room, with little or no outside input.
I really want to get back to that, but things keep popping up. I'm figuring another month of interruptions, and then -- even if other things are happening, I'm going to let them take a back seat to writing.
Oh, boy.
I'm not sure I wanted to know all that. I'm not sure that when it comes to being a writer, ignorance isn't bliss. I mean, you want to be realistic and all, but I had a pretty good sense of the odds -- I'm just not sure I needed the odds to be explicated.
I don't know if I can get across how different actual writing is -- from everything that comes after. And yet, without everything that comes after, dare I say "promotion", whatever you wrote won't see the light of day.
I decided to work at getting this first book, at least, in a many hands as I beg borrow plead command insinuate and dazzle.
But it isn't writing.
Writing is something I do alone in my room, with little or no outside input.
I really want to get back to that, but things keep popping up. I'm figuring another month of interruptions, and then -- even if other things are happening, I'm going to let them take a back seat to writing.