Taking critique.

I was so excited by the first two chapters of Ghostlander, that I couldn't wait to read them to Linda.

She had a question -- were they all in the same room or were they talking by phone?  Let me tell you, I've failed as a writer if that isn't automatically clear.  But instead of thanking her, I got all huffy and defensive.  Worse, I sort of flared up.

Stupid thing to do.  See, I want honest critique.  I need honest critique.  That last thing I want to do is discourage critique.

It's very hard to get people to supply critique on a continual basis.  They're usually happy to do so the first or second time, but when you go back to them for the hundredth time, will they're not so enthusiastic.

All critique is useful.  Even when I disagree, I get something out of it.  Whatever makes me look at the material anew.

So -- I'm a little ashamed of myself for flaring up.  I probably should let material sit for awhile before presenting it so proudly.  When I'm still in that creative glow, I somehow expect the reader to catch that.

But they're looking at it much more objectively -- and that's good.