I do seem to finally be in a cleanup mode. That is, I'm going back and trying to finish off books that I had set aside. I'm trying to remind myself that there is no hurry.
The older I get, the more freaked out I get about health. So there is that pressure, but other than that, even if I finish what I've already started, I've accomplished a lot.
So my current list runs something like this:
***Re-write Faerylander again.
***Check online version of Rule of Vampire for mistakes and make necessary changes.
***Enter Martha's editing of Faerylander. (Done.)
***Enter Lara's corrections to Blood of Good. (Haven't received it back yet...)
***Create cover to Blood of Gold and to The Vampire Evolution Trilogy. Put them online. Adjust pricing.
***Finish corrections to Deviltree. (Check against older, more expansive manuscript and see if there is anything I want to retrieve.)
***Start the process of creating cover to Led to the Slaughter.
***Begin the re-write of Reluctant Wizard.
***Initiate covers for the Reluctant Wizard and Wolflander.
***Get Wolflander edited.
If I do all these things, and get them done, I will have another six books ready for publication.
I doubt I'll be able to stay away from writing something new while I'm doing all this, but for some strange reason I'm finally willing to rewrite -- when I wasn't there for about a year.
The older I get, the more freaked out I get about health. So there is that pressure, but other than that, even if I finish what I've already started, I've accomplished a lot.
So my current list runs something like this:
***Re-write Faerylander again.
***Check online version of Rule of Vampire for mistakes and make necessary changes.
***Enter Martha's editing of Faerylander. (Done.)
***Enter Lara's corrections to Blood of Good. (Haven't received it back yet...)
***Create cover to Blood of Gold and to The Vampire Evolution Trilogy. Put them online. Adjust pricing.
***Finish corrections to Deviltree. (Check against older, more expansive manuscript and see if there is anything I want to retrieve.)
***Start the process of creating cover to Led to the Slaughter.
***Begin the re-write of Reluctant Wizard.
***Initiate covers for the Reluctant Wizard and Wolflander.
***Get Wolflander edited.
If I do all these things, and get them done, I will have another six books ready for publication.
I doubt I'll be able to stay away from writing something new while I'm doing all this, but for some strange reason I'm finally willing to rewrite -- when I wasn't there for about a year.