Faerylander is done, this time for real.

Finished Faerylander again.

I wrote a Cobb's Bestiary entry for all 51 chapters of the book.  I added in about seven chapters I had taken out.  So the book is about 30% longer than the previous version.  This was never going to be a streamlined book, so I might as well go with all the ideas I have.  Which makes it more a dense book.

But I like it.  

I think this is the version I'll go with.  It still needs quite a bit of editing, but the framework is there.  I just want to take the time to really try to polish it some more.  My pro editor usually takes a little over a month, so I'll work on it at the same time.

I have to figure out the editing programs for Word, so I'll know where I made changes so I can compare them what my friends do.

Paul and Martha and Linda have all agreed to read it.

And of course, Lara, when she's done with Blood of Gold.  (I'm still hoping to publish that at the end of this month or beginning of next.  As well as a combined Vampire Evolution Trilogy.)

A neat thing about Faerylander is that I already have a cover for it, so it will be ready to publish whenever I'm done editing.  Several months down the road, probably.

The other neat thing about it is that I have already written a sequel I like, Wolflander, and which needs nowhere near as much work.  It just needs to be edited and it's ready to go.

Then I can go about writing the third book,  Ghostlander.  Makes sense that I finish the first book in the series before I get too far ahead of myself writing sequels.

But it's finished to the extent that I now know that is going to happen.

For everyone who thinks I write ridiculously fast, (including me, sometimes), it will have taken me 3 years, off and on, to finish this by the time I'm done.

I just couldn't let go of it.