Couldn't have planned it better.

I'm in limbo, for reasons that will become clear later. 

But I can't let that stop me from making my usual daily entry.

I'm sort of amazed that my prolific writing over the last couple years has taken on a certain order amongst the subconscious urgings.  That the results aren't as chaotic as I might have expected.

I've got a complete vampire trilogy.

I've got a stand alone historical horror, which has a main character who can continue her adventures.

I've got the first two books and am working on the third of a paranormal series -- that I intend to extend beyond three or four...

What's even more surprising, is that they are all coming out in an orderly fashion. 

Meanwhile, in the background I have a trio of fantasy novels that need work but which can be connected into a larger mythology.

And I have a S.F. series (more S.F./Fantasy) of which I've written the first two books.

In other words, they kind of shake out nicely.  I didn't plan it this way, but I couldn't have planned it much better.