Social media is broken.

You are rewarded for re-posting, not for expressing your own thoughts.

You are rewarded for lists -- of titles, and for namedropping of all kinds.

You are rewarded for being an ass.

You are rewarded for posting pictures, graphs, quotes.  (None that you did yourself.)

You are rewarded for being provocative.

You are rewarded for being mundane.  (There is a Christmas festival this weekend!  Oh, oh, a new brewery has opened!  Blah, blah.)

You are rewarded for being a suck-up.

You are rewarded for being a single subject, single issue kind of guy.  Ride that hobby-horse to death.

You are rewarded for being insanely upbeat.

You are rewarded for being insanely downbeat.

You are rewarded for not being nuanced or dwelling in gray or for not over-explaining.

You are rewarded for how much you network.

One last thing, which isn't a reward.  Social media is totally infested by commercial interests.  They sneak in everywhere.  

Do all the above and you'll get more hits.

Write a moderately toned, thoughtful post of your own thoughts and feelings, and be prepare to be ignored.

This isn't sour grapes.  I do all the above rewarded things, and I get more hits on those posts as a result.

But I at least I sort of do them more or less accidentally...