As I never get tired of pointing out -- if you look up "Poverty with a View" in the Urban Dictionary, it is specifically about Bend, Oregon.
The article on jobs in the Bulletin today only reinforces that.
Manufacturing jobs, which pay an average of $41K are down by 1660 jobs since 2005. Construction jobs are down by 3340.
Meanwhile, leisure and hospitality jobs, which pay an average of $18K, are up by 1290.
The increases in jobs are mostly in health and hospitality, the exact jobs you'd expect if Bend was a retirement and tourist area.
I don't think most of those manufacturing and construction jobs are ever coming back.
The article on jobs in the Bulletin today only reinforces that.
Manufacturing jobs, which pay an average of $41K are down by 1660 jobs since 2005. Construction jobs are down by 3340.
Meanwhile, leisure and hospitality jobs, which pay an average of $18K, are up by 1290.
The increases in jobs are mostly in health and hospitality, the exact jobs you'd expect if Bend was a retirement and tourist area.
I don't think most of those manufacturing and construction jobs are ever coming back.