Writing fast means go ahead and try things.

One of the (many) mistakes with Nearly Human was that I felt like I needed to come up with more and more plot.

I've become much more comfortable with the thought that a plot will come.  That is, the length of the book won't be a problem.  Yes, I do generally write books in the smaller range -- my first drafts come in anywhere from 60,000 words to 80,000 words -- but if it tells the story, there's nothing wrong with that.

Since I write so quickly, I had the wild notion of completely redoing Nearly Human without ever referring to the original manuscript.  Take the characters and the basic premise and just start all over.

I may just do that.  Just redo it from the beginning.  It would be tricky -- trying to genuinely come up with a fresh approach -- but it might be worth a try

A great advantage to writing fast is I'm not afraid to try things.