Introspective about writing.

Taking a week off has let me think about what I'm doing, and what I want to do.

As I mentioned yesterday, I've been thinking about "Art."

I've been mostly thinking about "story" for the last year.  I do feel most art happens as a byproduct of the story.  But there is also the intent -- and I've purposely not put too much burden on myself for fear of blocking my progress.

Overall, I think I'm going about it in the right way -- that is, just keep writing, just keep trying to improve. 

About the only thing I can think to do differently is hold the intent of art in my mind as I'm doing it.

The execution is the thing: I already know what I need to do, and I just have to follow through and do it.

1.)  Plan ahead, plot ahead, think ahead.

2.) Write quickly through the first draft but try to get it right.

3.) Give myself some time away from the book, then come back and rewrite it.

I've done a much better job at the first two requirements, but the third goal is still a work in progress.
I don't like rewriting, at the same time I know that it needs to be done and that it improves the book.

I've been patient about putting these books out.  I felt Freedy Filkins did exactly what I wanted to do, so I put it out.  I felt that Death of an Immortal shouldn't be tampered with very much, so I put it out.

Everything else I've done are still works in progress.  Sometimes a Dragon, The Reluctant Wizard, Wolflander, Led to the Slaughter, and Rule of Vampire are all works in progress.

I'm pretty sure that I'll be putting out Rule of Vampire after letting the editor have a go at it and giving it one thorough rewrite myself.  A couple of months, or so.

Meanwhile, get to work on the third book.

When Led to the Slaughter comes back, I want to give it a rewrite too.  And then do something with it.

The other books I'm either not done -- or in the case of Nearly Human and Deviltree -- are more or less done but I'm not totally certain I can't find a way to make them better -- again. 

A fair amount of time has passed since I "finished" Nearly Human, and I think in a few more months -- after I'm done with my vampire trilogy, I'd like to see if I can't give it One More Try.

Anyway, the nine days off has been good for me and I'm ready to tackle another book.  Finish the trilogy with Blood of Gold, and I'll feel like I've done something.