Busy little boy.

I've sent Led to the Slaughter off to my local editor.

I'm going to print a hardcopy to work on while she has it.

I'm thinking I'm going to write a sequel to Death of an Immortal and immediately (sometime in the next six months)  put it online.  This will be my online series for the time-being, while I continue to work on the rest of the books.  I've also got Freedy Filkins, my cyberpunk-Hobbit book, online.

I've got the first book in my Fantasy trilogy (The Reluctant Wizard)  done, but not edited.  I don't want to do anything with this until I've written the second and third books.

I've got a stand-alone Fantasy (Sometimes a Dragon) which was something I wrote 30 years ago but which has been completely rewritten from top to bottom, almost like it's a new book.  It's been two/thirds edited.  I want to take another look at after I get it back from the editor and decide what to do with it.

I've got Nearly Human finished and edited and with a cover, but I'm sitting on it for now.

I've got a sequel to N.H. called Wolflander, which hasn't been edited or rewritten.  I also have ideas for a long series of books starring Cobb and Company.

I've got Deviltree, which I wrote 30 years ago and which 'nearly' got published then but which could probably use a boost.  Linda did an edit and I'm still hoping for an edit from Martha (Martha?) and to do another rewrite.  I have the cover to this ready to go, thanks to Martha (Martha?)

Counting the three books I wrote in the early 80's, Star Axe, Snowcastles, and Icetowers, I've now completed:


Not all of these are ready to be exposed to the world -- in fact, less than half of them are ready.  But they are finished to some extent or the other and just need to be improved as best I can.

I wrote two other books which I completely abandoned, Bloodstone and Changlings.  Why?  Because they weren't very good and they couldn't be fixed.

Not all of these were written fast -- it just looks that way.

Star Axe took five years, at least.  Snowcastles was fast, but Icetowers took over a year.  Deviltree was rewritten extensively over a two year period.  Sometimes a Dragon is going to be at least a year of work before it's done.  Nearly Human has taken over two years.  And so on.

The others have come fast, but they aren't really done.

Obviously there has been some overlap.

Overall, though, I'm pleased with my progress and I do think I'm getting better at this -- and much more mature in my approach.  So, I'll just keep writing and not worry about anything else for now.