A pet peeve of mine is the movie Armageddon. I hated it. Really viscerally hated it. So much so that I swore I'd never go to another Micheal Bay movie, and I've stuck with that vow.
I rarely hate movies. There are lots of movies I dislike -- say, the third Twilight movie. But I can think of only one other movie that I hated this much, and that was Natural Born Killers. Not because it was violent -- I mean, I liked Devil's Rejects and just about any other movies like that. I hated it because it was creepily cynical. Like a movie made by a sociopath that was supposed to be a message about sociopaths.
Anyway, back to Armageddon.
Apparently, Micheal Bay is apologizing for it: Said he'd redo that last third if he could.
OK. If he has balls enough to apology, I think I'll give him another chance.
I rarely hate movies. There are lots of movies I dislike -- say, the third Twilight movie. But I can think of only one other movie that I hated this much, and that was Natural Born Killers. Not because it was violent -- I mean, I liked Devil's Rejects and just about any other movies like that. I hated it because it was creepily cynical. Like a movie made by a sociopath that was supposed to be a message about sociopaths.
Anyway, back to Armageddon.
Apparently, Micheal Bay is apologizing for it: Said he'd redo that last third if he could.
OK. If he has balls enough to apology, I think I'll give him another chance.