Onward and upward -- or at least sideways.

I'm guessing that I got turned down by Adsense because they think I'm a word aggregator -- not realizing that it's all me own words.  I wouldn't believe it either...

So, back to the writing of books.  I want to wrap up the current rewrites soon so I can get started on something new.  I think it's important to be writing something new.  Not so much that I need new material -- I've got four books lines up in various stages of completion -- but because I want to keep the creative spark going.

Right now, I'm thinking about continuing my fantasy series, which I'm calling the Lore series, after the name of the main character.

I'm thinking that the fantasy backstory of the first book is most likely to be fleshed out by writing the second book, and the back story of the second book by the writing of the third book.  It may turn into one big book, since a 200K novel isn't out of bounds these days for fantasy. 

I have an image in my head of a fully complete, fully written, fully rewritten fantasy series.  My trilogy, if you will.

It was a trilogy that got me started down this path.