Advice to a writer's group newbie.

I hope you don't mind me suggesting some things. I've belonged to a writer's group for 30 years now, about half of those years very active.

I've also been in other writer's groups that I didn't like, either because they were too 'social' (not enough real work done) or too snobby (only 'literary' counts.)

First of all, we go into these things hoping we'll get rave reviews, even if we don't know it. Not only don't we usually get rave reviews, normally, but they find plenty of things wrong.

That's just natural.

After all, that's what you are there for.

So keep your expectations low. Expect criticism.

Secondly, until you know what people in the group are like, you won't really know how valid their criticisms are, how much are personal baggage or pet peeves or simply wrong-headedness.

Third, people are follow the leader in these groups. They tend to repeat what a previous person said, which doesn't mean it's right.

Fourth, people also tend to contradict each other, so that you can come out of a group getting conflicting messages. So, again, you have to figure out which criticisms is grounded, and which is either too harsh, or -- on the other hand -- a muddling of legitimate critique.

People think they are saving your feelings, but instead, sometimes the message just gets watered down.

Fifth, if the message doesn't get watered down, and it seems to be a consensus, then that's what you should take away. Doesn't mean they're right, but it's more likely.

Sixth, they could all be wrong. They could all be too easy. They could all be too harsh. It's a continuum.

Seventh, they could all be right but that doesn't mean what you've written is bad -- maybe it just needs to be changed.

Also, don't get defensive. Just inwardly take what seems right and accept it -- and reject what seems wrong.

Eighth, don't be like all "I meant it this way." That's no excuse. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

Ninth, use the group as a TOOL: take from it what you can, reject what isn't useful.

Tenth, no matter what they say, just remind yourself that it isn't finished. Things are often the most messy just before you get it all together.