The contrast between the last two days at work, and the previous ten days devoted to nothing but writing, couldn't be more stark.
It's very very clear why I couldn't write for so many years. One, I'm exhausted and two, why even get started if I'm just going to be interrupted?
I was telling Linda this, and she said it's the same way with her. (And she loves people -- I sometimes love some people...)
I'm not going to even think about writing for a week or two. Try to clear away the cobwebs and doubts and come back fresh.
It's very very clear why I couldn't write for so many years. One, I'm exhausted and two, why even get started if I'm just going to be interrupted?
I was telling Linda this, and she said it's the same way with her. (And she loves people -- I sometimes love some people...)
I'm not going to even think about writing for a week or two. Try to clear away the cobwebs and doubts and come back fresh.