Posting DEATH OF AN IMMORTAL twice a week.

As I mentioned, I'm going to post a chapter of DEATH OF AN IMMORTAL, twice a week.  A chapter on Tuesday and a chapter on Friday.

Meanwhile, the whole book is for sale at 2.99 on Smashwords, and I would greatly appreciate if a few of you will buy it.  I know how many are selling though I don't know who's buying.  Or not buying...

Meanwhile, I'll be working on finished NEARLY HUMAN as well as DEVILTREE, both of which I have covers for.

My next new effort, I'm thinking now, will be the second book in the LORE series, which is my straightout fantasy, THE RELUCTANT WIZARD of which is the first.

Woke up this morning with a sore throat -- which is me all over.  Finish a task, get sick.