Welcome to the street.

Went in to introduce myself to the new owner of Dudley's and welcome him to the street.

Turns out, when he was thinking about buying the store, he had come in and talked to me.  Anyway, he greeted me with friendliness (unlike the previous owner, who acted like I was an alien or something) and we talked about being sure to send customers to each other's store and all in all, I felt good about it.

He seems to be trending toward beefing up the cafe/coffee part of the business, but also showed an awareness of the need for good books. 

Over the years, I've done this -- gone in, said Hi, I own Pegasus Books, welcome to the street.  Most of the time, they acted kind of -- well, unfriendly.  Not sure why.  Maybe it was my manner, I don't know. 

I think actually it was my manner -- I would come on too strong, or something.  Especially early on, I really got the cold shoulder.  Since all those businesses are gone now, I supposed I should just forget it.

Anyway, eventually, I decided to just take care of my own business. 

It's like one of time-lapse video's where the central spot -- Pegasus Books -- is the same, unmoving year after year, while all the surroundings are a blur.