Unfinished business is unsettling.

Went to writer's group with my vampire story -- Last Days of the Immortal -- and for once no one had any real criticisms.  Everyone seemed to like it, even Gary who's usually the most critical.

I'm looking forward to continuing this story -- and putting it up on my blog.  This time with a slight time delay.  That was a crazy thing to do to put Freedy up on my blog like I did in real time; but the story seemed to write itself.

I don't intend to revise Freedy, just leave it as the fast story it was meant to be.

I had the girl I asked to copy-edit/edit Nearly Human come in yesterday, and she seems like the person for the job.  Not only knew what Cthulhu was, but just about every other reference I made.  She seemed a little too excited, and I tried to get her to lower her expectations. 

It will be interesting to see what she can do with the book.

We talked for about 3 hours about nerdy things, and about writing, so that was cool.

Meanwhile, at the store, I've gone through nearly a month of minimal orders.  That is usually about as long as I can go before I break out in a cold sweat.  Just a few more days to go before I can get back to ordering.

I'm going to try really hard to make moderate orders, instead of trying to replace all the inventory at the same time.

I've been feeling at loose ends -- wanting to get the books that are finished done.  But since Nearly Human is going through yet another rewrite, I guess there is no hurry.  I've got a regularly scheduled meeting with Aaron, my tech guy, once a week.  We'll just get whatever accomplished on that day that we can.  It's looking now like another month at least before the three books can be put up, probably longer.

Things to do:

I have to track down the original layers of the Deviltree cover, as well as proof-read the scanned copy.  Needs to be formatted correctly, both cover and print.

I have to photograph and then put the print on the finished painting for Freedy.  Book needs to be formatted correctly, both cover and print.

I need to get the edited copy of Nearly Human back and give the book one more go through.  Title and author fonts needs to be finalized.  Needs to be formatted correctly both cover and print.

I still have two copies of The Reluctant Wizard out there that need to come back.  This is my long-term project, but it would still be nice to have all the little chickies back in their nest.

I want to put full versions of my three published books on my duncanmcgeary.com site for free.  I've got a digitalized version of Snowcastles that someone else did; a scanned copy of Star Axe; and I'm breaking apart a printed copy of Icetowers to scan.  All of these need to be checked for scanning mistakes, etc.  I'm using the original covers to the first two books, since I bought the first cover from the artist and not trying to turn a profit on my own books, there shouldn't be a conflict with the printed copies that Amazon and Barnes and Noble are apparently still selling.  Fuck them, if you'll pardon my Cthulhu.  I've decided to prioritize, and put these printed books on the back burner.

So...meanwhile, my creative side is just simmering, and it's starting to bug me.  So I'm going to try to get my little vampire story going.  Start putting it on my blog when I'm sure that it's really going somewhere.

Very unsettling.