So it begins...

I sent my book proposal off to an agent today.  Got her name from a writer who is a friend of a friend, and was very nice about letting his agent know about me.

This is very nerve-wracking.  More than writing itself is.

But necessary.  I'm sure I'll get better at it as I proceed.

I think the book is ready, except a little tidying up here and there.  I suspect that even if they choose to look at my work, they'll check out a few chapters first.  Otherwise, I would just take whatever time I needed to get it exactly right.

So wish me luck.

Maybe they'll laugh me off, I don't know.  Thank god I had some indication that I'm not totally hopeless by being published before, otherwise how do you know?  I mean really know?

I'm going to give this process a few months, and if I succeed in getting an agent, give that a few years I suppose.

ebooks is always there, and may end up being what I do.