Hey, this is supposed to be fun.

As you know, I've been talking about "wrastlin'" with my rewriting, using words like drudgery, and tiresome, and hard work.

I was in my store yesterday, and picked up a Stephen King book at random and read a couple of pages, and it was no fuss, no muss.  It read:  easy-like.

Now, I know getting that effect probably isn't as easy as wanting that effect.

Still, I think I need to get back to concentrating on the fun part of writing.  I'll finish this rewrite the way I planned, but try not to think of it as a chore.

Then, I'll look each time at what I can do that will be fun to do, and keep it going that way.

Also, going to quit sweating the publishing part.  I wanted to get published again just to prove I can do it.  But what do I have to prove? 

I hated the waiting, I hated the trying to find viable venues, I hated the rejections.  I hated that the publishers had so much power, and that it seemed somewhat arbitrary and ambiguous and arrogant and...

Then again, just putting it online with no effort isn't much use either.

Oh, well.  Finish the books, enjoy the process -- and maybe something will pop up.

Just concentrate on the fun of it.