Thursday thuds.

I'm purposely not going to a bunch of my regular sites because I want to keep my orders to a minimum until Christmas.

No sense being tempted.  Of course, I'm losing out on some information that might be useful, but really, I'd like to make some profit this Christmas, and it begins now.

Feeling pretty good about the stocking level at the store, so think I can do it.


I tried to play the market with the latest Magic release, which was supposed to be in short supply, so I way overordered.  I mean, I'll sell it all, I'm not worried about that -- but it will be cashflow negative for a long time.

Anyway, my "playing the market" days are over.  I got pretty good with it with Pogs, and Beanie Baby's and Pokemon, but we're coming up on 13 years since the last of those happened.

Either those plays don't exist anymore, or I've lost my touch.


I don't know if they're original with me, probably not, probably overheard them.  But I keep thinking with Romney, he's the Chameleon in Chief, he's Severely Moderate now.


I've been trying to find a conservative to moderate political website I can go to that doesn't absolutely enrage me, making me recoil in horror.  There's the USA Today, of course, but it's site has become a chore to read.

I don't want to live in a Liberal Bubble.

The only site I can stomach is Business Insider.  I swallow my urge to retch at their headlines, and try to read the stories.

Fucking media.  All over the place with their alarmist headlines.


Besides, the polls are so close and the election is so close, that I figure I can safely ignore them now, and just wait for the real results.