Newsflash: The Beatles were a pretty good band.

My record player got disconnected somehow, and since the plug-in is behind a huge bookshelf that is stacked to the ceiling with books (as I mentioned recently, threatening to fall over and crush me), I have resorted to playing music on my laptop.

I go to Youtube and just select an artist and play their "Top" songs:  Springsteen, The Clash, Bob Dylan, whatever.

Anyway, I went through 100 Beatles songs the other day, and I was just struck again by their genius.

I think it was hearing the mix of great songs from different eras.  The sheer breadth of their lyrical and melodic genius.

What really stands out are the one-ups: songs that don't sound like anything else they did and yet are better than anyone else.  Songs that don't sound like anything done before or since.

I know there are people who profess a dislike of the Beatles -- especially younger folk who are probably tired of having them shoved down their throats. 

I forgive them.  Either they haven't listened enough.

Or they have faulty wiring, somewhere.

Anyway, just a reminder.

The Beatles -- they were pretty good.