The Fourth Crusade, in the Name of God.

This is a little out of left field.

I've been reading, THE FOURTH CRUSADE, by Jonathon Phillips.

It's interesting to read these accounts, because strangely they seem to be somewhat pertinent to today. Especially the misunderstanding of who or what Islam is.

At any rate, this Crusade set out with the best intentions, right? (We can argue today about whether Crusades to "free" the Holy Land were a good or bad idea, but they thought it was a Holy mission. The fact that they hoped to make some loot was supposedly secondary....)

So they make a contract with the Venetians to ferry them across the waters, only they overestimate how many knights will show up and their ability to pay them. Soon, they are deep in hock to the Venetians. So right from the start, are the seeds of their destruction.

They are convinced by the Venetians to attack another town, a Christian town, under some very dubious pretext. Some of the Crusaders object, but they are starting to starve, they are at the mercy of the mercantilism Venetians, and they reluctantly agree.

They are excommunicated by Pope Innocent. Nevertheless, they justify it because they need the resources to continue their Holy Mission.

Then comes the son of the former Emperor of Constantinople, who promises anything and everything if they'll help him regain the throne. Including turning the Orthodox Church back under the leadership of the pope.

Again, they reluctantly agree. After winning the throne, (after setting a few devastating fires) they squeeze the new Emperor for more and more, until the people of Constantinople rebel.

The Crusaders sack and pillage Constantinople. Rape and murder and vast destruction.

All in the name of God.

(Contrast this to Saladin's retaking of Jerusalem. He let the Christians go, letting them even take their possessions.)

So, if you had asked the Crusaders if they would do such a thing at the beginning of their journey they obviously would have been horrified by the thought.

But one decision after another, of saying to themselves that the Ultimate goal of the Crusade was more important than whatever smaller evil they are currently doing. Leading them step by step in the most Unholy of behaviors.

It's interesting for the biases shown by the Europeans (they trusted the "Greeks" as little as they trusted the Muslims.) So many small, but wrong steps leading to the final desecration.

All in the name of God.

Apropos to nothing, but that's what I've been reading this week.