Good old-fashioned reading binge.

When I was younger, I'd often get into a reading jag that might last for days. Don't do that so much these days. Usually an hour or two before bedtime.

Spent the weekend reading the fantasy trilogy by Joe Abercrombie, FIRST LAW. Again, I'm not reading long fantasies as much as I used to, mostly because I rarely find them satisfying. These books fit the bill, and I just kept reading.

Employee Jasper was asking me why I don't talk about the books and comics I read; and that has always seemed a little strange to me, too. Something that should be a natural.

But unlike this blog, which I can usually toss off the top of my head, writing a review requires judgment and thought. (What does that say about the blog?)

So, here's a short review: These books had a bit of sword and sorcery, which has gone out of style, and I appreciated that. There are myriads of well-thought out characters, and an intricate plot. The mythology is substantive enough, and holds together enough, to be believable. The writing is good, and the story arc is obviously satisfying.

Funny, how for years I could see the influence of Tolkien in almost all fantasies, but now I'm starting the see the influence of Martin as well.

I was thinking about how I used to love burrowing in a series of books for hours upon hours, and days upon days.

The conditions just aren't the same.

Then I stumbled upon the blog entries from last year at this time. I was going to Baker City for four days on a 'writing vacation', which was the real jumpstart to my writing a novel again.
I stopped writing in June this year, because of a long vacation, then didn't get started in July because I knew I'd be forestalled by a busy August.

But the decks are clear. I'm starting to feel the urge.

I'm torn which direction to go. I think it's important to finish one of my projects -- of which I have many. I have to rewrite SOMETIMES A DRAGON, someday, because I think there is a book there. DEVILTREE is finished, but I'm uncertain if that is the first book I want to post.

I have the little space fantasy I've been writing, which was really just filling in for other writing.

And of course, there is I'M ONLY HUMAN, which I like most parts, but which isn't falling together quite right. There is always that moment when you know you have it -- and I'm not feeling that, and I'm not sure what to do about it.

Another writing vacation?

I was also thinking -- wishing -- that I could recreate the conditions in which I was so productive when I was younger. I wasn't working much, except on some lawn-mowing jobs that didn't require much thought. I was shut in for days, listening to music, drinking wine, and thinking all the time about my books. It was my focus, all the time.

Can't really go there, anymore. But I can go a bit more obsessive, though, so I've sort of warned Linda that I might get kind of hazy and distant if I go for the writing jag I have in mind.

As far as publishing is concerned -- I've decided to finish up some of the material first, before I even think about that.

Meanwhile, my other urge is to write the Epic Fantasy -- the big book. I'd like to get started on that, as well. But first, I need to finish up some of the other material.