Thursday thuds.

Had a boffo day at the store yesterday. The tourists were out in force. Should be a ginormous weekend ---


Summer fest. Excuse me while I shoot myself in the foot. Ouch.

Well -- everyone have fun.


For some reason, I'm not the slightest bit interested in the Spider-man movie reboot. Feel like I've seen that movie already, (plus read a couple dozen reboots in the comics over the years.) I really don't understand the point.

Everyone else I talk to seems to feel different, and the people who have seen it seem to like it.

But I'll save my time and money for something else.

The Batman movie, on the other hand, looks awesome.


My comments about legalizing marijuana has successfully smoked out all the dopers.

Anonymously, at least!


Sold a jigsaw puzzle at my store, yesterday. (I carry about 10, versus Linda carrying 60 or so.)

"We're a puzzling family," the dad said.

"You can say that again," I answered, raising my eyebrows. Apparently they went to Linda's store and worked on our display puzzle for awhile, but sadly didn't buy another puzzle.

The puzzles have sold, a little. Nothing spectacular, but not a disaster either.



Again, I feel like it has very little to do with what I do, despite the perceptions.

I have to look at all these things -- comic-con, internet comic sites, big movies -- as all lending my business a certain legitimacy that we didn't have a couple decades ago. The old, balding fat guy who lives in his parents basement stereotype is still around, but there is at least an awareness that other types of people are also involved these days...


I have the same reaction every year.

If only business was like this all year around! The things I could do!

My old saying, "I make money four months out of the year, I lose money four months out of the year, I break even four months out of the year," pretty much still holds, however.


Having a nice philosophical discussion with a customer, and we go off on some strange tangents, as will happen when you're talking about books by Robert Anton Wilson and Philip K. Dick.

"I read the Illuminati, and I'm still sane!" I proclaimed.

"Well," the guy says. "After talking to you, I'm not so sure...."

Anyway, I have a store full of people, but they're all milling around and another customer, a well-dressed, nice looking woman, started talking to the guy, and I went off toward the bathroom while I had the chance.

I'm just closing the door, when the guy's voice raises and he says, "I'm basically homeless."

It was funny how there was a moment of silence and everyone turned their head. Then, it was quickly back to normal and everyone ignored it. To her credit, the lady (who turned out to be a real estate agent, I wonder if she asked him if was looking for a house?) continued to have a nice discussion with him.

After she left, I said to him, "That's a real showstopper when you say it that way."

He just sort of shrugged.