The Fates are conniving bastards.

Neither my personal or my business discipline is showing much in the way of results.

It's a trick!

I haven't made any progress in six days on my diet, even though for the last three days I quit rounding off my calorie estimates and stuck strictly to known quantities. Meanwhile, even though I haven't gone off the rails on my budget, the store savings don't seem to be getting very far either, despite having a very good month in sales.

They're trying to lull me!

Well, I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I knew it was going to take time. A couple months for the diet, and probably a couple of quarters for the business.

It's a test!

I ramp up my motivation level before I start these sporadic episodes, which usually carries me through the first few roadblocks that get me to some success which motivates me to continue. I'm still feeling pretty firm about my plans, so I just have to keep on trudging ahead.