Eyes swollen shut.

I was out gardening last night. Came in, washed my hands. Started to watch some T.V., and put my hands to my eyes to rub them.

A few minutes later, my eyes exploded. Painful, watering, just awful.

Got in the shower and tried to rinse my eyes. Was up until 3:00 in the morning before the pain subsided enough to get some sleep. Almost went to the emergency room. Just about the worst thing about it, is my sinus just starts flowing when my eyes water, and I used up a couple boxes of tissue.

Woke up this morning with my eyes glued shut. I pried them them open gingerly with my fingers, but there wasn't any pain.

However, I look like a gargoyle. Fortunately, I don't have to work today, though I was planning to work tomorrow.

Gardening is dangerous.