New peepers.

So important and so unimportant. New glasses -- they feel like goggles to me. They seem to be shouting off my face, even though I know that most people won't even notice.

I went for something a little more bold than usual. The girls (ladies) at the optometrist assured me they looked great. (What else can they say?) They told me it was stylish and the "latest thing." (I said, "You can't imagine how important that is to me...)

I think they make me look like a professor. Kinda "brainy" as my friend Aaron said, after he asked me if I had been wearing contacts before...

My previous glasses were not terribly noticeable -- thin, wire rim. These are dark brown, thick -- about the same shape, though.

I think they make me look like a 1930's nuclear physicist -- or Freud. Yeah, that's it. They're my "Freud" glasses.

Like I said, it's so unimportant in the scheme of things, but yet seems as important as the nose on my face, on the other hand. Hopefully, I'll get used to them. So far, I'm shocked every time I pass a mirror. I'm not sure if they make me look old and stuffy, Mad Men style; or young and hipster....(Well, nothing could probably make me look the latter...)

Meanwhile, it seems like everything IS RIGHT IN FRONT of my face!

I'll give them some time, but reserve the right to go back and get the same kind of thin, wire rims I had before.

I hate being self-conscious. (Even when I know no one really gives a shit.)