Even free wasn't good enough.

So Pronghorn wants another year or two to become a 'destination resort', you know, with the 'resort' part, like a hotel. Otherwise, it would seem to be a golf course gated community.

Anyway, they'll no doubt get the extension.

But they also asked for the "interest money" on their deposit. Seems to me, that by asking for an extension, they have simply proved that the "interest" will probably be needed.

Not the opposite.


Meanwhile the city is making tough sounds about what kinds of businesses they will "allow" in the Rademacher house.

Wait. Didn't the last business in there -- a non-profit art organization -- leave despite paying only 1.00 a year in rent? That the problems with "loitering and other criminal activity" were so bad that even GIVING them the space wasn't good enough?

And now you're going to get tough?


In both of the above examples, it seems to me that Bend and Deschutes county do everything backward. We're tough when we should be lenient, and lenient when we should be tough.